What a whirlwind 3days of cocktails,shopping malls,cupcakes & fab shoes..........with only two gals in the house it's always great to sneak way from the boys & hang with my daughter-May!!
We hung out at SHUNGHEI WANG,PAVILLION & TIMES SQUARE mall........everything you need under one roof......my credit card is NO GOOD for a few weeks now but I have the shoes that says it's ALL worth it...........lol
We also managed to squeeze in a few trips to the cinema-looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the caramel popcorn-very moreish........*wink
Discovered another DELANEYS in KL but it was crap-no MAGNERS-big booooooooo-& they also could not make me a much needed margherita 'cause they had no tequila.........wtf??!!.......paid for my mocktail & will never return!!!!!
On day 3, May finally worked up all her courage to get her tattoo.......after 30min of should I/should I not she did it......had to hold her hand but I near lost it with all that squeezing & pulling she did........lol!!!!-deffo much braver than me.....:)
Nothing too obstentatious-4 musical notes on her ankle....very demure & almost invisible..........I have a feeling this was only the beginning though........*raised eyebrow*
Anyhoo we are back home now........I missed my boys terribly but like all Mother's know.....there is no rest for us at all.......just done cooking a pasta dish for lunch-then to bed.....I think...?!
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