Today marks the second week of Summer Break for my kids.We have had a lazy few days vegging on the sofa,eating junkfood & watching sh*tty tv......this week we shall begin our holidays with ferver......
As I sip my morning coffee I'm already planning my day ahead.....as we recently moved house I still have a few boxes that needs sorted-but that can wait till tomorrow........:)
What I really need to do is sort my refrigerator-she looks so bald without the kids drawings & silly pix-I need to dress her up.........now to find the box with all the fridge memorobilia........??!!
Hubby is planning a weekend away to one of the nearby districts & I desperately want to take a trip to the elephant orphanage.......then there is the surfing competition down south......ai!!
Let's not forget that my 18 yerar old is gagging for a trip to KL -so that she can get the tattoo we promised her when she was 10??!!........lol-LIFE!!.......
My coffee cup is almost empty........the pups need fed......& maybe maybe I can crawl back into bed with yesterday's papers??!!.......
Have a lovely Monday.....
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