Wednesday, September 15, 2010

**CHARITY........begins at HOME**

It's common knowledge that across the globe OCTOBER month is listed as official CANCER month-you know when all the major magazines & big fragrance houses-REVLON-hand out pink ribbons, pamphlets & special promotions to the mass population......!!(mainly for breast cancer but it's synonumous with cancer in general)

The same is happening over here-the local Cancer facilities are lacklustre......not enough funds to create better awareness let alone bare essentials for ailing patients,bare essentials such as beds....things we all take for granted.

We attended a cancer benefit dinner recently & was shown a rather sad & dismal peak into the lives of the patients.It's a well known fact that without public funding & input not much can be done actually........I am pleased however that on that night enough money was raised to add a few more rooms to the new hospital wing @ MAHARAGAMA-a small step but it will make the last days of a few sufferers more comfortable.Several beds were bought/sponsored as well ,so no more sleeping on mats in the corridor.........!!!

This weekend my daughter is performing at a charity concert in aid of all the young cancer patients.Somehow I got roped into all of this & we are now feverishly rehearsing our chosen song......CLOSE TO YOU by the CARPENTERS.....we chose this song because the topic is very close to our hearts.I lost my grandpa to cancer a few years back,I have friends who lost family too,I have a very dear friend who is fighting a very good fight as we speak & another who's nursing her Mom with constant LOVE & CANCER affects us all........the least we can do is give them HOPE......& our time!!

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